I happened to choose an opinion piece from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper by a
Mr. Mike Norman posted on September 18, 2014 titled “Texas lawmakers will have to tackle electronic privacy
Mr. Norman introduces an issue in technology that at one
point in time needed to be protected,
but as of today has gone a bit too far and is in need to be revised to a more
practical form of usage. In 2013, legislation was passed to protect certain
electronic data for the general public’s sake, however police officers and
prosecutors are saying that such protection may now be hindering investigations
that need fast actions in order to save lives.
Apparently some data on mobile devices can link someone to
the vicinity of a crime, rule another person out, or link potential suspects all
together. What it boils down to is which information requires a court order and
which do not? All the while, the clock is ticking away in efforts to obtaining
the correct and proper paperwork to proceed in such investigations.
I feel that Mr. Norman did an awesome job in presenting his
argument in this piece giving him substantial credibility. A worthy and solid
argument has evidence to back it up and Mr. Norman has provided examples of
such when including the meet between the Senate State Affairs Committee and
police officers and prosecutors along with other testimonies. Mr. Norman goes
on by offering related information to the Texas Electronic Privacy Coalition
and their relationship to courts in rectifying the situation.
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