Saturday, October 18, 2014

Villain or Hero?

This blog piece comes to us by way of the Dallas Morning News newspaper written by a Mr. Rudolph Bush on October 15, 2014 in which he titles it "The disgusting, racist anti-Miles flier going around at Dade Middle School in Dallas."

Now this piece is a little sketchy in details but from what I can gather from it was the Dallas Independent School District Superintendent Mike Miles had a school board trustee removed from a school's premises after the superintendent had replaced a principal who “wasn’t cutting it” with someone who would. The board member took it upon herself to take the management position but before she could, Mr. Miles had her escorted off the school grounds by the local police department. Superintendent Mike Miles has been accused of violating the Board of Education policies as well as abusing his authority in said actions.

First off, in order for me to critique this author’s creditability about this piece would be difficult because we don’t have much supporting facts to back up such an approach he has set for the readers. I mean, besides the so-called “flier” circulating the school district, the author doesn’t provide any backdrop to the story at all. Hell, I found more information about this story in neighboring newspaper blog sections just to have a better understanding in what was really going on here. With the lack of accompanying specifics I would have to say that this author’s credibility falls by the waist side by far.

One could say that the intended audience could be the parents of the children that attend the schools in this district, maybe even go as far as to say other board members. Could be the “ignorant” author of the disrespectful flier or just the locals in the area. I can’t say for sure since the unclear method that the author has taken leaves much to the imagination.

All in all, looking at the blog piece as a whole leaves the readers to want more. There are one too many holes in this piece to one, take the time out and read it – two, give credit to where credit is due and in this regard would have been to the author. I wish that Mr. Bush would've taken a little more time as a professional journalist to go the extra mile and give a full story into what was going on in efforts of educating his readers.

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