Sunday, November 30, 2014

By Way of Lethal Injection

In just a couple of days from now, a mentally ill man will be put to death by lethal injection for killing his in-laws back in 1992. Mr. Scott Panetti who is so delusional cannot understand why he is being convicted and condemned will be put down like an animal on December 3, 2014.

Mr. Panetti has been hospitalized more than a dozen times for psychosis related to his schizophrenia. Mr. Panetti claims to be hunted by Satan in an attempt to prevent him from spreading the word of Christ. He has washed the walls of his home and buried his furniture in the backyard among other unusual acts.

Mr. Panetti has tried to argue his own case however doing so in a very unorthodox attire, a purple cowboy costume with a 10-gallon hat. Some of the key witnesses he has tried to call to the stand would be Pope John Paul II, Former President John F. Kennedy, and Jesus Christ. After taking the stand himself, he spoke to himself in different voices one of which named “Sarge,” the alter ego whose responsible for killing his in-laws with a hunting rifle.

Most people along with most Americans believe that there are defenses that protect the mentality impaired from execution. This is widely assumed due to television, books, and movies that we as a nation simply don’t execute people with mental disorders. However, come this Wednesday, these measures can and will fail from time to time. Now there is no question that Mr. Panetti should be incarcerated, but executing him when he doesn’t fully comprehend the magnitude of the situation raises the argument whether this is immoral.

Now either courts or Governor Rick Perry are the only factors that may stand between a mentality ill person and his death come Wednesday.

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